Unless specifically indicated any information on this website does not take into account any of your personal objectives, financial situation and needs. It is as intended, to be of a general nature only and not a recommendation to you. The only recommendations that will be made to any person or client will be within an advice document from our associate licensed advisory firms. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, enquire with the financial advisors who are licensed to give the advice to ensure they have given the best advice for you.
Please note, the advisors we work with are Fully Licensed and Independent who are governed by the fiduciary duty known as the "best interest duty", with a legal and ethical obligation to act in the best interest of all clients who recieve tailor made advice.
Superannuation Growth Direct is not a superfund, or a Financial Advisory, we are an independent group who work solely to help everyday Australians with no conflict of interest to any superfund. The same as the financial advisory, accounting and investment firms we connect you with to give the best possible service to all clients.